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At least 142 people are dead and more than 200 injured on Sunday when Indonesia's resort island of Lombok was hit by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake, a government official said Monday. The jolt forced thousands of people to flee homes and evacuation of the quake-affected people was underway, said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman for national disaster management agency. Evacuation and rescue were hampered by poor communication access which was disturbed after the quake, he added.
一般新闻在介绍灾难伤亡情况的时候,第一句都是哪里什么时候发生了什么事情,多少人伤亡。其中,多少人伤亡可以放在主句,XX (how many) people are dead and XX are injured,也可以放在状语部分,比如killing XX people and injuring XX, 或者killing XX people and leaving XX injured。
Massive explosions have hit China's northern city of Tianjin, killing at least 50 and injuring 500 people.
An earthquake has struck South Africa, killing one person and injuring some gold miners south-west of Johannesburg.
爆炸,动词还可以选择rip through,意思是move forcefully and rapidly 猛冲,飞速前进:fire ripped through her bungalow 大火迅速吞没了她的平房。
A total of 83 homes were damaged in a powerful explosion that ripped through an apartment building in Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, killing five and injuring dozens on 25.
shake、strike、hit 突然发生,打击;
jolt 使颠簸,摇晃,用于描写地震:
rock (尤指由于撞击、地震或爆炸)(使)(建筑物、地区)剧烈震动,比如:minutes later a second blast rocked the city
roll across (波浪、烟、云、雾)翻滚,比如:the fog rolled across the fields 大雾弥漫整个田野。
rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯,比如:A total of 83 homes were damaged in a powerful explosion that ripped through an apartment building in Baotou,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,killing five and injuring dozens on 25
一般的表示“破坏”的动词,比如damage,destroy ,devastate
如果宾语是建筑、房子、窗户等事物,还可以用shatter, level, flatten等包含了更加具体动作的动词:
level 推倒,夷平,比如 Bombs levelled a large part of the town. 炸弹把城里一大部分地区夷为平地。
flatten 夷为平地,比如:the hurricane flattened thousands of homes 飓风把成千上万的家园夷为平地。